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Getideaz 2.0 Lite

4.3 ( 2913 ratings )
Nástroje Zábava
Vývojář: Nice Soft TEK


filename: Getideaz

1 Write on a paper: We design a very good software and you can feel that you just write on a piece of paper.

2 Full functions: All important functions are on the Getideaz main page. That means that you have one more note on your iPhone to get your precious idea anything time.

3 browse fast. you can touch the screen to move forward and backward between the pages. You have another two way(3 x 3 grid & date mode) to browse your pages.

4 Focus to note: We want you forget you are using a iPhone software. Just click, write and leave. Get your idea.

5 Night usage: Dont forget to use Getideaz at night time. Write down the thing in your mind and sleep well.

6 Walk & Write: Getideaz is graceful to use anything. You can write or browse when you are standing, walking, even moving.

1 Bottom left corner:
View previous page

2 Bottom center:
4x4 grid consisting of nine pages, you can consider your thought in different way.

3 Bottom right corner:
View next page ,If now page is last page add new page.

4 Top right corner:

Time setting.

5 Top left corner:

Browse the pages by date view.

6 Bottom:

Extra function settings. Add new page,Change pen color, change pen stoke, Background setting ,Undo ,Redo ,Delete page,Setting.




1 流暢書寫:精心設計的程式,書寫流利,有如紙面,讓您如同隨身攜帶一本記事本,一有點子,就可以立刻收納其中。

2 功能齊全:將所有操控放在螢幕四周,擁有最大書寫面積,讓您一手掌控,檢視無礙。

3 瀏覽快速:主畫面中可以觸按左右螢幕中間,前後滑動,並另有九宮格、按時間瀏覽兩種檢視模式。

4 單一功能:靈感收件匣專注在做好您最佳的收件匣,捕捉您心中的點點滴滴、商業承諾,毫不遺漏。

5 夜間使用: 睡眠中,有煩心的公私事,就記錄在靈感收件匣中,讓您一覺到天明。

6 邊走邊寫:精心設計的介面就算是一面走路時,也可以一邊編寫或瀏覽頁面,就像是手上有一本真的筆記本。



1 左下角:上一頁,可以到上一頁面。
2 正下方頁碼:16頁瀏覽,一次可以看到16頁縮小的靈感收件匣頁面,可以迅速瀏覽大量頁面。
3 右下角:下一頁,可以到下一頁面。如是最末頁將增加新頁。
4 右上角:設提示時間,按下後可以設定該頁面提示的時間。
5 左上角:依日期瀏覽,按下後可以看到到期、今日、明日、全部等不同筆記的分類。
6 正下方:雙擊螢幕後可設定八種功能,包含增加新頁,筆色,筆寬,底圖,還原輸入,重作,刪除,設定。